Analysis of biomolecular binding events has just got easier

We are happy to announce that Anabel Version 3 is finally out!

Designed for fast, reliable analysis of binding curves of biomolecular 1:1 interactions.

Your binding curve analysis in 4 Easy steps:

Step 1: Load your data

Our open data format supports the analysis of various different datasets, like BLI and SPR

Step 2: Select the mode of analysis

You can choose between 3 different methods:

Image of analysis methods

Step 3: Supply additional information

These include analyte concentration(s) as well as the starting point(s) of the association(s)

Step 4: Run Anabel and download the results

We supply an excel table containing all relevenat binding parameters as well as a plot of the binding curves including their fits

ANABEL in action:


Get Anabel

Use the App

In the past, we provided a web-based version of Anabel. Unfortunately, we have decided to discontinue this service. However, we made it as simple as possible for you to run Anabel on your own computer. For you, this has the advantage, that you can run ANABEL on your own data without the need to upload it to a server. In addition to that, you can run Anabel on super large datasets as well and the computation time is much faster.


The ANABEL app was build using R and Shiny. To run the app on your machine, you need to have R and Rstudio installed. Please follow these steps to set up ANABEL on your machine:

  1. Download and install R:
  2. Open R and run the following command:
You are now ready to start and run ANABEL on your machine. Of cource, you can also use Rstudio to run the app.


To start ANABEL, open R and run the following command:
shiny::runGitHub("Anabel", "SKscience")
If you run the app for the first time, you might be asked to install all dependencies. Answer with "Y" for yes. The app should now start locally in your browser. Have fun using Anabel!

Use the R packages

Incorporate ANABEL into your bioinformatic workflow by using the R package.
To install ANABEL, start R and enter:
To view documentation for the version of this package installed in your system, start R and enter:

Code availability

You can find the Anabel App on Github:

The Anabel backend, which is calculating the binding curves and powers the anabel app is published and available on Cran-R:


  • KOFFI and Anabel 2.0—a new binding kinetics database and its integration in an open-source binding analysis software
    Leo William Norval, Stefan Daniel Kraemer, Mingjie Gao, Tobias Herz, Jianyu Li, Christin Rath, Johannes Woehrle, Stefan Guenther, Günter Roth
    Database, Volume 2019, 2019, baz101. October 11, 2019.

  • Anabel: An Online Tool for the Real-Time Kinetic Analysis of Binding Events.
    Stefan D Kraemer, Johannes Woehrle, Christin Rath, Günter Roth
    Bioinformatics and Biology Insights.
    January 9, 2019.